12 Tips For Writing More Engaging Blog Posts

These 12 easy tips for writing blog posts can be useful for bloggers and writers.

Writing can be a challenge for some of us. Coming up with the right topic- and doing the research to properly address the topic can be exhausting. At least for me!

Then add in the stress of day to day life events and it’s really easy to pull our focus away from writing.

Getting started can be the most difficult aspect of the writing process. You may feel overwhelmed with ideas and how to organize your content.

Other times, you may feel as if your content lacks a good flow or feels disjointed.

Writing and creating new content for your blog is important. Your goal is to have a catalog of information to deliver to your audience.

Your process should be focused on writing meaningful and useful content.

This article on 12 easy tips for writing blog posts can help make writing blog post easy and will show you a system of writing that you can use to create tons of post for your blog.

Discover Easy Tips For Writing Blog Posts


1.Collect your thoughtsJedi

Don’t mind my Jedi mention here, I just felt like writing that in. I’m a huge Star Wars fan.

When thinking about topics, you want to look at your niche. Come up with as many topics as you can related to that niche. Write them all down so you can visualize them.

Seeing them in print will help with creativity

See Related Post: Ultimate List Of Blog Post Ideas

Narrow down the topics by searching on google. You can put your topic in search and see what kind of results you get.

This will help you to find a popular topic and keywords to help with your SEO.

When writing you will want to cover your topic in great detail. Find what the search intent is within your topic.

Include questions that people may have about your topic and be thorough with your answers.

easy tips for writing blog posts

2. Keyword Research

keyword research is at the foundation of writing for bloggers. If you are looking to be an effective blogger you need to find topics that your readers are interested in.

The general idea is to find subject matter that is being searched for within a low competition market.

If you are researching appliances and decide to write on “coffee makers” you will find this is a popular term but also a highly competitive term to rank for.

easy tips for writing blog posts

There is a number of results that come up in SERP’s at the top of the page you see big brand companies. Out ranking these more established brands will be pretty much impossible.

Instead you will want to search for long tail key words. These are phrases of words that generally are more specific and can even show search intent.

As an example within the appliances space we could search for “Keurig K Mini Dusty Rose”. This is an example of a long tail keyword.

easy tips for writing blog posts

It is specific to an exact type of coffee maker, size, and even color. A searcher entering this keyword would most likely be looking to purchase this product.

Writing for www.bikemoms.com it was less difficulty ranking for the long tail keyword.

The one or two word key phrases are more difficult to rank for. Try this method in your research you will find better results.

3. Tweak your topics with headline analyzer

Come up with 5-10 different title ideas. It may seem like a lot of extra work but it helps the process. You may find titles for future posts that you will be able to cluster on your blog.

Clustering or having related posts can help with Domain Authority.

This is important because writing meaningful and useful content is critical for bloggers. Clustering your posts shows Google and your audience that you are an expert on the topic.

Now, run your headlines into the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer tool. Use the free service to sharpen your headlines. You can change or tweak your headline until it is green in the headline analyzer tool. 

4. Outline your content with bullet points

Break up the workload by planning out your blog post with bullet points.

This will ensure that your blog posts have the right flow and do not go off topic. Your outline can be structured using your keywords and similar keyphrases.

Make sure to use title tags as follows: H1 is always your post title-this is usually set automatically.

An H2 should be your 1st header include your main keyword here. Your H3 can separate ideas within an H2 section, and can include a similar keyphrase.

Related Reading: Best Tips For Blog Post Structure

5. Find your tone – write in a way that feels natural to YOU

Writing blog posts didn’t come easy for me. I didn’t have a style of writing so when I would go back and read my post they didn’t flow or seemed unorganized. Begin writing in a way that feels natural to you.

It may take some time to find your tone based on how you write and the audience you are serving, but it will come! Try experimenting with different tones and find what feels most natural to you.

The most important thing here is to write/speak naturally as if you were having a one on one conversation with your reader.

To me blogging is like talking with a friend. Think of their questions and write in a way that shows them you understand what they feel.

Easy Tips For Writing Blog Posts Effectively


The next sections in this post are essential. As bloggers we have to be able to score 100 here.

Getting a reader to your post is one thing but keeping them interested while on your blog is another huge mountain to climb.

The Intro is where you will grab your readers attention. If you’ve done a great job with the first paragraph usually that will be enough to keep a reader engaged.

The Body is where your reader will find what they are looking for. It’s super important to have done the research on your topic to discover keywords that people search.

Once your reader has discovered your post has the answers they were looking for, you will need a strong Call To Action (CTA) to guide them to a specific destination.

6. Intro

A few tips for creating an engaging introduction include 1) asking a question, 2) listing out common pain points of your target audience (that you will address), and 3) Find ways to seem relatable to your audience so that they know they are not alone in their problem.

7. Body

When it comes to the body of your blog, one of the most important things to do is to keep this section organized.

Not all readers will read your entire blog post, so organizing your blog post with sections will help your reader find what they are looking for and have a more positive experience.

This is where using title tags comes in handy. It is important to have a consistent flow to your blog post.

8. Call to action

If you are writing a blog post with a specific goal in mind a call to action will be critical.

This Will guide your audience to the next step in your process. A call to action could be to join an email list or sign up for a free course that you offer.

If you are writing your posts with no CTA you will not build up a substantial audience.

9. Make Your Content Easy To Share

As you build your audience you want to make your content easy to share by your readers. Including social share links is important.

You will get free traffic from this especially when you have great content that is shared over and over.

10. Grammar check and spelling review

A good practice to have as part of your writing is grammar and spell checks.

We all make mistakes but using tools like Grammarly can help you with proofreading and catching those mistakes.Strive to create the highest quality possible content.

11. Insert links and resources where necessary

easy tips for writing blog posts

This is a great way to start building your domain authority. By linking to other resources or bloggers that have related information to your post you are building your domain authority.

You will build relationships with other bloggers who in return will link back to your website for your quality content.

You are providing additional resources for your readers, and This is a way to add value to your audience.

Also linking to relevant posts on your websites helps Google to better categorize your content for SERP’s.

12. Do not overthink it – Get To Blogging!


Finally – last but not least – try your best not to overthink it! The writing process takes time to develop.

Overtime you will become more comfortable and able to create content much easier. The more you write, the easier it will come to you.

Have patience and enjoy your blogging journey! 

Now it’s your turn. Are you an active blogger? Share some tips, leave us a comment below.

If your new to blogging, or thinking about starting your blog send us an email we love to hear from our readers.

Make sure to include “easy tips for writing blog posts” in your email.

23 Responses

  1. Enjoyed the tips, thanks so much. Keyword research for me is the most time-consuming because it hasn’t been a habit of mine before and I have to get used to it now that I’m writing for the web. The most difficult it feels is having to ask people to share my content.

  2. Thanks for your tips! When you’re starting it is really easy to overthink it, and I am trying to push myself to just publish. Sometimes it is rough reading my earlier posts, but at least then you see growth! Do you have any recommendations for writing courses or boot camps for new bloggers?

    1. Yes! Start with reviewing existing content on the topic to pull best points together this will help with building your outline..

  3. These are all great tips! I know that I have a problem with overthinking everything, that’s the one that I definitely need to work on.

  4. Great post!
    I had not heard of that headline analyzer tool.
    And you did a great job of explaining why more specific, longer, keywords are important.

  5. My biggest challenge is that I sometimes overthink things. However, I’m trying my best to change that. Another tip you could add for writing more engaging blog posts is to use examples. Sometimes, our readers won’t truly understand what we are saying until we break things down for them by using examples.

  6. As a professional blogger myself, I need to constantly remind myself of these key points when writing… some times I find myself in a hurry just to get it written, but one can never neglect the steps of doing SEO and keyword research. Thanks for sharing.

  7. The last tip to stop overthinking is the very first thing that every beginners should do. Me as well was a overthinker, and it wastes your time and energy.

    This was a great post. Thanks for sharing the easy tips.

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